Lupita Colmenero and Eli.
Welcome to A Brand New World!
By Vanessa Renteria
Hello world! My name is Eli, which is short for Elias. It’s about time my siblings let me join their column! Let me backtrack a bit, Eggy & Wonder are my siblings and I was added into the family about three months ago. I’m a mini golden doodle and I just turned four months old. (Even though my height makes everyone think I’m the oldest out of the three).
I was born in Miami, FL, but now I live in Texas! It’s kind of a funny story. Robert and Lupita, my human parents, were in Miami for the Hispanic Women of Distinction Luncheon. It’s an amazing event that pays tribute to Latina professionals who are strengthening the social fabric of this country and making inroads in the leadership pipeline for a growingly diverse America. During this event, they were having an auction to giveaway a precious irresistible, and beautiful prize…. ME!!!
I have to admit, I was a little nervous about the whole process. What if nobody liked me? What if I needed to go to the restroom? What if they thought I was smelly? I was so anxious I barely even wanted to interact with anybody. That was until I saw my human mom for the very first time and I ran across the room to jump into her arms! I know I probably surprised her, but I just couldn’t help myself. Something told me that we were meant to be, it was love at fur sight! Now here I am!
Moving to Texas was an adventure. I took my first plane ride and slept all the way to Dallas. I was so excited to meet my new brother and sister! Although, it took them a while to warm up to me, we are now the best of buds! My parents also took me to the LATINA Style, Inc. office to meet the whole team. I was greeted with hugs and cuddles the whole day that even Wonder got jealous.
My favorite spot is Beana’s office, she’s the Director of Corporate Relations and her office has the BEST air conditioning. I love to nap right by her desk. Vanessa took my very first office picture so I could get my official work ID. She’s the Communications & Social Media Coordinator and she loves scratching my head while she’s working.
The office is my second home now, I pretty much run the place now. (Don’t tell Eggy) I can’t wait to have my own column someday. For now, I’ll take it one day at a time. Joanna recently taught me how to sit! She is the Executive Assistant and she’s always trying to teach me something new. I am very excited to learn more tricks and new life skills. Until next time! ARF, ARF, ARF….
Eli (right) and Eggy.
My name is Eli.